
All goods produced by LES/EDC Leatherworks are made by hand from start to finish using traditional techniques that ensure that they will be with you for the long haul.

Because of this, all products are guaranteed in their construction quality and craftsmanship for life. If the stitching on any of your LES/EDC Leatherworks items should fail, I will happily repair the item for you free of charge.

I cannot guarantee the structural integrity of products that have been damaged through extraordinary circumstances; such as a rogue pocket knife severely damaging the leather. However, due to the construction involved in each item, all items are repairable in most situations. In the case of extreme damage to any item unrelated to my craftsmanship, I will happily attempt to repair it for you at an additional cost.

The goal at LES/EDC Leatherworks is to craft an everyday companion that you will cherish for many years to come. If you experience any issues with your item as a result of faulty construction or require repairs to the item due to extraordinary circumstances please do not hesitate to reach out at